Frequently Asked Questions

Cemetery plots are available for purchase by the general public.  The cemetery may limit the number of plots sold to those residing outside the taxing district.  Click here for more information.

Cemetery plot ownership may be transferred.  There are a variety of situations where this need may arise.  A $20 fee is assessed per transfer.  Click here for more information.

$250 for persons residing inside the taxing district.

$350 for persons residing outside the taxing district.

The cemetery staff may be able to provide you with a map and written description of the plots owned by you.  Duplicate deeds may be requested for a nominal fee.  Click here for more information.

The following services are available (click on each item for more information):
Cemetery Policies
Headstone Cleaning Services
Maintenance Request
Veterans Services


  • Decorating Graves
  • Can I decorate the graves of a loved one?
    Absolutely.  We encourage the modest decoration of graves for loved ones.  We ask that decorations remain conservative in nature.  Decorations placed during the summer maintenance season must not interfere with cemetery maintenance (mowing the lawn, watering, etc.).  Decorations or adornments that are found to be interfering with this policy will be removed and disposed of without prior notice.  See also: winter time decorations.
  • When are flowers removed from a newly interred person?
    During the summer maintenance season, flowers are removed from newly interred graves 7-10 days after the burial.  Winter weather and other conditions may necessitate a change in normal flower removal time.
  • When are flowers and adornments removed following the memorial day holiday?
    The entire cemetery will be purged of memorial day decorations the Monday following the memorial day holiday.  Absolutely every decoration that is not fully contained within the base of the headstone, or has the immediate potential to become airborne will be removed and disposed of.  
  • Is the cemetery responsible for decorations?
    No.  The cemetery will not be held liable for damaged, mission, stolen or otherwise injured decorations, headstones, personal items left at graves, etc. 
  • What kind of decorations are permissible?
    Decorations and adornments should be modest, and inexpensive.  Items left at graves can, and often are, stolen by other patrons.  However unfortunate this is, the cemetery has no way of policing this behavior.  In addition, 
  • What are the guidelines for winter time decorations?
    In the winter time, (November 1st – April 1st), decorations may be placed anywhere on the grave.  Decorations not removed or brought into compliance with the summer policy by April 1st, will be removed and disposed of.  

Misc. Questions

  • I found a grave that has sunken, and needs to be repaired.  How to I notify you of this?
    Click here to complete a maintenance request.
  • I would like access to cemetery records.  How do I obtain them?
    Click here to contact cemetery staff, and explain your request.
  • I would like to work at the cemetery.  How do I do this?
    The cemetery contacts with Barefoot Management for all operations.  Click here to be directed to their website.
  • I would like to know where someone is buried.  How do I obtain this information?
    Click here to access the cemetery directory and map.  Please note, the directory is updated several times a year. 


Where is the cemetery located?